

发布时间:2024-01-01 作者: 浏览次数:1196

  丁超,讲师/博士,硕士生导师,武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室博士,山东理工大学测绘专业班级导师。本人曾发表过多篇高水平研究论文,第一作者身份所发表 SCI 论文累计影响因子达到 37.6,所发表论文在 Web of Science数据库中被引 70余次,在Scopus数据库中被引 110余次,其中论文引用推介单位中包括北京大学、加州理工学院、德国赫姆霍兹环境研究中心、中科院空天信息创新研究院、意大利米兰理工大学等国际知名科研机构。目前本人承担山东省自然科学基金项目、国家重点实验室开放基金与校级博士启动课题多项。




研究兴趣与方向:         ① 合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像机理与干涉测量技术;

                    ② 影像偏移量追踪技术;


                ④ 沙漠地貌变化监测与风场环境模拟;

                ⑤ 地震、滑坡等地质灾害形变监测与机理解译研究;

                ⑥ 地理空间数据的三维建模与可视化;


1. 承担科研项目

山东省自然科学基金委, 青年项目, 联合光学与SAR影像偏移量追踪的滑坡三维形变监测关键技术方法研究, 2022-012024-12, 在研, 主持

2. 论文发表

Ding Chao, Zhang Lu, Liao Mingsheng*, Feng Guangcai, Dong Jie, Ao Meng, Yu Yanghai. Quantifying the spatio-temporal patterns of dune migration near Minqin Oasis in northwestern China with time series of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 observations [J]. Remote Sensing of Environment 2020, 236, 111498.

Ding Chao, Feng Guangcai, Liao Mingsheng*, Tao Pengjie, Zhang Lu, Xu Qiang. Displacement history and potential triggering factors of Baige landslides, China revealed by optical imagery time series [J]. Remote Sensing of Environment 2021, 254, 112253.

Ding Chao, Feng Guangcai, Liao Mingsheng*, Zhang Lu. Change detection, risk assessment and mass balance of mobile dune fields near Dunhuang Oasis with optical imagery and global terrain datasets [J]. International Journal of Digital Earth 2020.

Ding Chao, Feng Guangcai*, Li Zhiwei, Shan Xinjian, Du Yanan, Wang Huiqiang. Spatio-temporal error sources analysis and accuracy improvement in Landsat 8 image ground displacement measurements [J]. Remote Sensing, 2016, 8 (11), 937.

Ding Chao, Liao Mingsheng*, Zhang Lu, Dong Jie, Feng Guangcai. Quantifying Dynamic Characteristics of Dune Migration in Northwestern China with Multitemporal Optical Satellite Observations. 2019 10th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp) 2019, 1-4.

丁超, 冯光财*, 周玉杉, 王会强, 杜亚男, 陈晨月. 尼泊尔地震触发滑坡识别和雪崩形变分析[J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2018, 43(06):847-853+950.

Li Menghua, Zhang Lu*, Ding Chao, Li Weile, Luo Heng, Liao Mingsheng, Xu Qiang. Retrieval of historical surface displacements of the Baige landslide from time-series SAR observations for retrospective analysis of the collapse event. Remote Sensing of Environment 2020, 240, 111695.

王会强,冯光财,喻永平,毛晓康,丁超,陈晨月.基于C波段和L波段的SBAS-InSAR技术监测广州地面沉降[J]. 测绘工程, 2016, 25(11):60-64+71.

3. 参加的国内外学术会议

丁超,冯光财,李志伟,单新建,朱建军. 光学影像 Sub-Pixel Correlation监测地震形变误差改正研究. 大地测量与导航专业委员会 2015 学术年会暨研究生学术论坛,湖南长沙,中国,2015.10.(口头报告)

Chao Ding, Guangcai Feng, Zhiwei Li, Xinjian Shan, Bing Xu, Jianjun Zhu. Deformation Monitoring Based On Cross-correlation of Optical Imagery: A Case Study of Pakistan Earthquake. International Symposium on Geodesy and Geodynamics (ISGG 2016), Tianjin, China, July 22-25, 2016. (海报)

冯光财,丁超,李志伟,单新建,杜亚男,朱建军. Landsat-8 影像获取地表形变误差分析以及巴丹吉林沙漠群移动监测. 中国地球科学联合学术年会第 55 专题:空间大地测量与地壳动力学,北京,中国,2016.10.(口头报告)

Ding Chao, Liao Mingsheng, Zhang Lu, Dong Jie, Feng Guangcai. Quantifying Dynamic Characteristics of Dune Migration in Northwestern China with Multitemporal Optical Satellite Observations. 2019 10th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp), Shanghai, China, Aug. 2019. (口头报告)

4. 曾获奖情况
